REACH 2018: Plan, Gather, Implement

Intertek expert Joyce Borkhoff launches the countdown to REACH blog series.

08 October 2015

Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) is a European Union regulation that addresses the production and use of chemical substances, and their potential impacts on both human health and the environment. The next REACH deadline is May 31, 2018.  While this deadline may still seem a long way off, the cascade of activities it triggers may take longer than you think.  Now is the time to start. Now is the time to understand your obligations and develop your registration plan. Intertek experts will guide you along the registration pathway, we're here to help!

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For further information regarding this blog, please contact Joyce Borkhoff at:

Today's expert blogger is Joyce Borkhoff. Joyce is the Director of the Intertek Chemicals Group and is well known for her ability to effectively characterize and communicate the impacts of the regulatory environment on the chemical industry. She is frequently invited to contribute to trade magazines and to present her advice and experience to a wide range of SME and large multi-national audiences. Her technical and regulatory experience and her deep knowledge of the Chemical Industry, makes Ms. Borkhoff uniquely qualified to provide practical, best-in-class service to help meet and understand Global Chemicals Management requirements.
