Oil and Gas

Our technical experts deliver Total Quality Assurance across the entire oil and gas supply chain - from testing, inspection and certification to consulting, technical, engineering and related services.

The oil and gas industry brings a distinctive set of challenges for owners and operators. As reserves diminish and product demand fluctuates, the efficiency, accuracy and reliability of support services becomes more critical than ever. Managing decommissioning of aging assets will become increasingly important.

Ensuring your people and sites are safe and your processes are optimised takes precedence across the supply chain - from extraction that involves increasingly higher pressures and temperatures, to statutory inspection of production assets and asset life extension, all the way through to the transportation of hydrocarbons, which is governed by stringent regulations and standards. In addition, projects need to be delivered on time, safely and cost effectively.

Our global Total Quality Assurance services support exploration and production, engineering, refining, testing, inspection, certification, quality, training, research and related hydrocarbon industry activities.

We can ensure regulatory compliance of the raw materials that are used throughout all stages of the project life cycle delivered by technical experts that include oil and gas and hazardous area scientists, consultants, engineers, chemists, technicians and trainers.

From the reservoir to the refinery and beyond, our people are committed to anticipating and meeting your quality, safety, compliance and performance needs with consistent and reliable assurance solutions. including total sustainability and transition to green energy production.


Need help or have a question?

+1 888 400 0084
+44 1708 680 248
+65 6805 4800
+971 2 613 1000

Oil & Gas
