Webinar Recording | Substance Identity Testing Requirements for UK REACH

The coming into force of UK REACH has changed the compliance obligations and market access for the UK chemical industry. UK companies who previously relied on EU suppliers with EU REACH registrations now find that they are defined as importers under UK REACH and have UK REACH registration obligations. The key principles of the EU REACH Regulation have been retained in UK REACH and substance identity is an important part of this.

For new substances and registrations, or new product and process orientated research and development (PPORD) notifications, chemical identity data, generated to meet regulatory requirements is a mandatory part of the UK REACH Registration process. This data should be submitted in the form of a technical dossier.

In this webinar, our speaker, Helen Steele, Operations Manager and Regulatory Expert, describes the regulatory chemical testing requirements for substance identification, sameness, and nanoforms characterisation. [Live broadcast on March 10th 2021.]

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