Chemical Smart Screening
Ensure your textiles, apparel and footwear are free of hazardous chemicals before production begins
Intertek’s Chemical Smart Screening tool is designed for use by textiles, apparel and footwear brands and manufacturers to detect the presence of common restricted substances in raw materials during the early stages of manufacturing. Chemical Smart Screening detects 400 commonly found hazardous substances as outlined in legislation including substances of very high concern identified by EU’s REACH regulation, including flame retardants, disperse dyes, phthalates, APEOs, PAHs and PFCs.
Chemical Smart Screening complements your existing chemical management programs like restricted substances lists (RSLs), compliance programs for local, national and global regulations such as REACH and California’s Proposition 65, and industry-led initiatives like the Roadmap to Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC). Chemical Smart Screening provides better visibility into your supply chain, helps you fulfill consumer and legislative demands for green products and enables you to avoid the time and expenses incurred as a result of test failures.
Intertek’s chemical experts are located around the globe for localized support where you do business.
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