If quality and safety procedures, policies, best practices, and standards are not understood, implemented, and embraced by all parties involved, the quality of the food produced may be at risk, along with the reputation and brand value of the company behind it.

Intertek, with offices and labs in over 100 countries, offers innovative quality and safety assessments of your food systems, processes, and products to determine compliance with your requirements and your clients’ requirements, including:

  • Quality assurance (QA) and control (QC) programs internally integrated into every facet of your business process and with your suppliers in order to meet government, customer, and company requirements.
  • Inspection over the entire production chain for farms, seed, feed and food manufacturers, hotel and catering services. We can help to ensure product quality, safety, and legality, as well as evaluate appropriate environments.
  • Testing in a worldwide network of laboratories analyzing food and agricultural products for trace contamination, determination of toxic substances, pathogens and identity preservation.

At Intertek, it is our sole mission to provide not only the one-stop-shop you seek for all food services, but also establish a trusted partnership with your business, consistently adding value and increasing your competitive advantage in the industry.

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