Italy petroleum, fuel, chemical, and LNG testing and cargo inspection.

Intertek Italy provides petroleum, fuel and chemical laboratory testing and cargo inspection services for clients operating in Italy, the Adriatic region, and internationally. 

Petroleum, fuel, chemical and LNG testing in Italy:

Italian petroleum, fuel and petrochemical cargo inspection services:Additional tanker cargo services:
  • Crude Oil Washing supervision
  • Vetting and pre-vetting of oil and chemical tankers
  • In-line automatic sampling services, ISO 3171
Intertek provides laboratory testing and cargo inspection services across Italy:
  • Genoa
  • Venice 
  • Trieste, Ravenna, Brindisi, Taranto
  • Leghorn, Savona
  • Sicily (Santa Panagia, Priolo, Augusta and Milazzo)
  • Sardinia (Sarroch and Porto Torres)

Caleb Brett Cargo Inspection & Analytical Assessment Services

Unlock enhanced quality control, minimize losses, and reduce financial risks with our diverse range of services. Explore our offerings further by downloading our informative brochure.

A look back at how we treat each cargo as if it were our own

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