Operational Sustainability Solutions

Through our global network of sustainability experts and integrated Assurance, Testing, Inspection and Certification solutions, Intertek is uniquely placed to help organisations understand, achieve and validate their existing and emerging sustainability goals for their products, assets, facilities, systems, processes and environment.


Intertek can help you ensure the resilience, durability, safety and protection of your organisation’s assets which are vital to maintain sustainable success and optimal efficiency: physical assets like operations buildings, instruments, equipment, cyber/ IT related assets and Intellectual Property.

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Intertek’s Environmental Sustainability solutions help you demonstrate your commitment to the protection of the environment, through reduction of carbon and other emissions, preventing pollution and reducing waste, utilising renewables and conserving natural resources.

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Intertek’s operational sustainability solutions can help you ensure your facilities throughout your operations and value chain (manufacturing, logistics, service locations, retail and consumer facing locations) are designed and operated to conserve energy and water, reduce waste, minimise impact to the environment while improving employees well-being and work conditions.

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Consistent quality, safety and sustainability of your products and services depend on the effectiveness of the processes that support them. Intertek’s solutions provide confidence and total peace of mind that your operating procedures are functioning properly enabling you to identify and mitigate the intrinsic risk in your operations, supply chains and business processes.

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Intertek can help you validate to your stakeholders that your product was made with sustainability in mind through its entire lifecycle, starting from raw materials, components, to transportation and finished products use, disposal, recovery and reuse.

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Intertek can help you ensure that your sustainability policies and strategies are supported by effective IT systems and platforms designed for achieving and demonstrating measurable sustainability performance improvements.

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+1 800 810 1195
+44 (0) 116 296 1620