Predictive Analytics for the Energy Industry

Intertek AIM’s energy analytics services allows users to assess performance, establish baselines, and set performance improvement goals.

Intertek offers a range of services such as INGRID, Aware-RealTime (Aware RT) , and Cost of Cycling Analysis to help you reach optimal performance levels with your equipment.

Predictive analytics leverage the historical data collected at your plant, along with our vast energy database to find the critical relationships that will improve the performance, reduce operating costs, and extend the equipment life at your facility.

Plant owners and operators want to gain valuable insight into their generating asset's performance, efficiency, reliability, and cycling operation metrics. See how renewable generation in your area impacts your load cycling operations.

Our flexible, cloud-ready platform is purpose-built for integrating with your applications and portals. Our powerful web-based analytics, data visualization and mapping applications use mathematics, statistics, predictive modeling and machine learning to find useful insights and to help you with your fact-based decisions.

Utilizing our products can help to optimize operations and save in operating and maintenance costs. Minimize outages and prioritize systems in your next inspection by implementing our analytics solutions in electricity generation production and planning.
Let Intertek AIM help you succeed by:

  • Benchmarking your plant or generation unit operation against U.S. plants/units of the same capacity, age and fuel.
  • Determining critical components with the highest damage accumulation during transients and compare it with standard industry practices.
  • Comparing operational costs per start-up and per outage, accumulated damage, and start type (hot, warm, cold) against similar units. 

Deliverables consist of an electronic report including calculation worksheets for each metric, a performance ranking per-group results, and the historical trends.
As renewable energy sources are increasing in numbers, conventional fossil plants are cycling more. Let our platforms show you how much you are cycling, as well as the life expectancy of your equipment.

Need help or have a question? +1 408 745 7000

Need help or have a question?

+1 408 745 7000
+61 (0) 2 8039 8111
+971 2 613 1000